Who am I?

  • Senior Software Engineer at Google
  • Data Pipelining Efficiency and Infrastructure (MapReduce and more)
  • In the past Core Search Engine at Yandex
  • ClickHouse infra and efficiency
  • C++ library and compiler contributor
  • C++ teacher in universities

There is a rumor going on...

  • You should trust your compiler
  • Compilers are smart
  • Don't overoptimize
  • C++ is fast

People don't understand how compiler works after thousands hours of practicing

						static constexpr auto foo() noexcept -> auto&&

We prioritize freedom

  • No centralized build system or a compiler

People choose C++ to control

But they have no idea of the compiler internals

But either way you and companies choose to write C++
  • Speed
  • Expressiveness
  • History
  • Knowledge
  • Hiring
  • Library Ecosystem
  • Tooling
  • Put your reason here

Compiler level

  • Speed
  • Tooling


And others

Focusing more on Clang/LLVM. Most points are available for GCC also

Same C++, same set of inputs, same compilers

Source: simdjson

What happened?

Well, that's complicated
SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data)
Compiler options
Hundreds of hours of assembly generation debugging
Point 1: don't blame compilers for being slow. They will not generate best possible code for you
Point 2: There is a chance your code will grow a lot and you won't notice

Forgotten story 1: visibility

// library.h
void Foo();
void Bar();
// library.cc
void Foo() { ... }
void Bar() { ... }
// main.cc
#include "library.h"

\[ \Longrightarrow \textrm{ ?} \]

// compiled.o
call _Z3Bar
call _Z3Foo

// main.cc
#include "library.h"

\[ \Longrightarrow \textrm{ No*} \]

// compiled.o
call _Z3Bar
call _Z3Foo

They can use global memory

								void Foo() {
									LOG(INFO) << ...
								void Bar() {
									LOG(INFO) << ...
Compilers just do not see it

Solution: write in headers!

Well... Please, don't write everything in headers
// library.h
// Don't do that often
inline void Foo() {
// Don't do that often
inline void Bar() {
Compile times are also important, don't ignore them.

But we lose performance!

Productivity is important also

Link time optimizations
  • LTO sees all program
  • ThinLTO provides summaries of modules (sees all potential optimization parts of the program)
  • -flto, -flto=thin (only in LLVM)
  • 0-10% performance, at Google we saw 3-4%

(Possible) Workflow

  • Usual builds without ThinLTO
  • Release builds with ThinLTO
  • Gains and no blow up in compile times
  • Usual LTO may be unscalable
Open Source ClickHouse (400k+ LOC)

-flto did not finish


You don't test what you really build

At Google no problems seen for thousands of targets

Extensive sanitizer usage helps

Integration testing helps

Point 3: More visibility to your compiler opens more optimizations
You probably heard of optimization levels `-O0`, `-O1`, `-O2`, `-O3`, `-Ofast`

What do they exactly mean?

Let's discuss first some high level architectural overview of compilers

  • Front end: parse semantics of C++ into first IR
  • Middle end: optimizations over IR
  • Back end: codegen for the architecture



  • Middle end: optimizations over IR
    • Cleanup and canonicalization
    • Simplification and more canonicalization
    • Target-specific optimizations and lowering
LLVM and GCC: * `-O0` almost no passes * `-O1` includes some passes * `-O2` includes most passes * `-O3` includes all passes * `-Ofast` includes `-O3` + `-ffast-math` + some weird more (dangerous!)
O3 includes in GCC (clickable)
/* -O3 optimizations.  */
{ OPT_LEVELS_3_PLUS, OPT_fgcse_after_reload, NULL, 1 },
{ OPT_LEVELS_3_PLUS, OPT_fipa_cp_clone, NULL, 1 },
{ OPT_LEVELS_3_PLUS, OPT_floop_interchange, NULL, 1 },
{ OPT_LEVELS_3_PLUS, OPT_floop_unroll_and_jam, NULL, 1 },
{ OPT_LEVELS_3_PLUS, OPT_fpeel_loops, NULL, 1 },
{ OPT_LEVELS_3_PLUS, OPT_fpredictive_commoning, NULL, 1 },
{ OPT_LEVELS_3_PLUS, OPT_fsplit_loops, NULL, 1 },
{ OPT_LEVELS_3_PLUS, OPT_fsplit_paths, NULL, 1 },
{ OPT_LEVELS_3_PLUS, OPT_ftree_loop_distribution, NULL, 1 },
{ OPT_LEVELS_3_PLUS, OPT_ftree_loop_vectorize, NULL, 1 },
{ OPT_LEVELS_3_PLUS, OPT_ftree_partial_pre, NULL, 1 },
{ OPT_LEVELS_3_PLUS, OPT_ftree_slp_vectorize, NULL, 1 },
{ OPT_LEVELS_3_PLUS, OPT_funswitch_loops, NULL, 1 },
{ OPT_LEVELS_3_PLUS, OPT_fversion_loops_for_strides, NULL, 1 },
/* -ffast-math */
if (!opts->frontend_set_flag_unsafe_math_optimizations) {
	opts->x_flag_unsafe_math_optimizations = set;
	set_unsafe_math_optimizations_flags (opts, set);
if (!opts->frontend_set_flag_finite_math_only)
	opts->x_flag_finite_math_only = set;
if (!opts->frontend_set_flag_errno_math)
	opts->x_flag_errno_math = !set;
Loop vectorization is enabled by default in -O2 from GCC12 !
LLVM in O3 includes

if (Level == OptimizationLevel::O3)
// FIXME: It isn't at all clear why this should
// be limited to O3.
if (Level == OptimizationLevel::O3)
if (Level == OptimizationLevel::O3)

LPM.addPass(SimpleLoopUnswitchPass(/* NonTrivial */ Level ==
Point 4: Use `-O0 -g` for debugging purposes, use `-O3` for optimization purposes

Problem: -O0 is too slow for debugging!

  • -O1
  • -fno-omit-frame-pointer
  • -fno-optimize-sibling-calls

Problem: -O0 is too slow for debugging!

  • -O1
    • Some optimizations
  • -fno-omit-frame-pointer
    • Better stacktraces (saves the base pointer)
  • -fno-optimize-sibling-calls
    • Removes tail call elimination (debuggers are less confused)

Source: LLVM better sanitizer debugging

-Og. Optimize debugging experience

Works nicely only in GCC

Source: GCC optimize Options

Request from a friend:

Hey, buddy! We have likely a compiler bug. We move function out of anonymous namespace and it works. Also works in debug mode.

My response:

No problem, you can bisect optimizations https://llvm.org/docs/OptBisect.html

-mllvm -opt-bisect-limit=N

I don't know of any infra for this in GCC


BISECT: running pass (35481) Two-Address instruction pass on function (_ZN3NYT7NDetail10TBindStateILb1EZNS0_11ApplyHelperIN12_GLOBAL__N_111TFirstClassEiFS4_RKNS_8TErrorOrIiEEEEENS_7TFutureIT_EENS_11TFutureBaseIT0_EENS_9TCallbackIT1_EEEUlS8_E_NS_4NMpl9TSequenceIJEEEJEE3RunIJS8_EEEDaPNS0_14TBindStateBaseEDpOT_)

It really was a bug 😳


Request from a friend:

I change < to != and get +30% loop performance!




LLVM Vectorizing debug https://llvm.org/docs/Vectorizers.html

// example.cpp:44:9: remark: loop not vectorized:
// could not determine number of loop iterations
// [-Rpass-analysis=loop-vectorize]
for (; it < span_end; ++it)

Forgotten story 2: Microarchitecture

  • Hardware evolves
  • New instruction sets are added
  • Caches and cachelines grow

Note: it depends on your hardware

x86. Westmere era (2010)

  • -msse2, -msse3, -mssse3, -msse4.1, -msse4.2
  • -mpclmul
  • -maes
  • -mcx16
  • -mpopcnt

x86. Westmere era (2010)

  • -msse2, -msse3, -mssse3, -msse4.1, -msse4.2
    • SSE instruction sets (16 byte registers)
  • -mpclmul
    • Carry less multiplication (benefitial for CRC and Erasure codes)
  • -maes
    • Advanced Encryption Set
  • -mcx16
    • Lock free 16 byte atomics
  • -mpopcnt
    • Popcount instruction

x86. Haswell era (2013)

  • -mavx, -mavx2
  • -mbmi2
  • -mfma

x86. Haswell era (2013)

  • -mavx, -mavx2
    • Wider 32 byte registers
  • -mbmi2
    • Bit manipulation
  • -mfma
    • Multiply-addition, a += b * c

x86. Why not just AVX/AVX2/AVX512 by default?

  • It depends on your hardware and workload
  • Share AVX with non AVX -> CPU downclocking
  • Heavy AVX (floating point) -> CPU downclocking
    • All before including Skylake
    • From Ice Lake it becomes better
⚠️ Next slide is absolutely subjective and comes from my biased experience
Point 5: Compilers assume really old hardware (e.g. core2 for x86, 2006), use better options
Point 6: `-march=native` is extremely dangerous because of illegal instructions and non-homogeneous hardware
Ok, I don't use any SIMD, why would I want that?
Third party libraries may require that
SIMDJSON, Hyperscan, Turbo-Base64, ZSTD, Snappy, Yandex FastOps, OpenSSL

Forgotten story 3: Function inlining

Generally inlining increases performance (see ThinLTO)
Function inlining is a cost based model: computes value and decides on a threshold
const int OptSizeThreshold = 50;
const int OptMinSizeThreshold = 5;
const int OptAggressiveThreshold = 250;
const int InstrCost = 5;
const int IndirectCallThreshold = 100;
const int LoopPenalty = 25;
const int LastCallToStaticBonus = 15000;
const int ColdccPenalty = 2000;
const unsigned TotalAllocaSizeRecursiveCaller = 1024;
const uint64_t MaxSimplifiedDynamicAllocaToInline = 65536;
You cannot inline everything and sometimes inlining is bad (e.g. for instruction cache)
`-mllvm -inline-threshold=N` Default is 225
  • Inlining increases your build size
  • And compile time
inline keyword matters! (hehe) __attribute__((always_inline))
Idea: run with `-mllvm -inline-threshold=1000`, compare benchmarks, set always_inline attributes to a dozens of calls
Good problem to have: I have an absolutely unrelated commit but benchmarks became worse
Answer: check out for function/loop alignment
Caution: awful code!
Stackoverflow: Why does GCC generate 15-20% faster code if I optimize for size instead of speed?
It was a jump over 32 byte boundary

Bad version:

00000000004004fd <_ZL3addRKiS0_.isra.0>:
  4004fd:       8d 04 37                lea    eax,[rdi+rsi*1]
  400500:       c3
Good version:
00000000004004fa <_ZL3addRKiS0_.isra.0>:
  4004fa:       8d 04 37                lea    eax,[rdi+rsi*1]
  4004fd:       c3                      ret


  40051a:       e8 db ff ff ff          call   4004fa <_ZL3addRKiS0_.isra.0>
Another problem: Jump Conditional Code Erratum
* `-mbranches-within-32B-boundaries` * `-falign-functions=32`
They highly stabilized benchmarks, for example, at Google and in ClickHouse

Standard library

Likely compilers come with std

Main differences:

  • Small string optimization size
  • Vector/string resizing policy
  • Additional options
// Re-worked external template instantiations for std::string with a focus on
// performance and fast-path inlining.
// Enable clang::trivial_abi on std::unique_ptr.
// Enable clang::trivial_abi on std::shared_ptr and std::weak_ptr
2-2.5% build size win at Google (it requires building everything from source)
C++20 char8_t is one of the best features for performance. It allows to specify non overlapping pointers Source: ClickHouse
This means that, unlike unsigned char, it cannot be used for the underlying storage of objects of another type, nor can it be used to examine the underlying representation of objects of other types; in other words, it cannot be used to alias other types
ClickHouse is column oriented and marking columns to be char8_t is desired


  • Visibility
  • Optimization Passes
  • Microarchitecture
  • Standard Library
  • Inlining

Many more

  • Profile guided optimization
  • Post link optimization (BOLT/Propeller)
  • New pass manager (default in clang-13)
  • Tooling: clang-tidy, AST matchers

Many more

  • Profile guided optimization
    • Collect profiles and have better loop/inline decisions: LLVM PGO
  • Post link optimization (BOLT/Propeller)
    • Move blocks together without recompilation
  • New pass manager (default in clang-13)
    • Better pass manager strategy (mostly inlining)
  • Tooling: clang-tidy, AST matchers
    • Static analysis


Mozilla Firefox

  • Move from GCC/MSVC to Clang
  • -flto, PGO
  • -fexperimental-new-pass-manager (by default in clang-13)

5-7% win on Talos tests

Mozilla Blog

Pass Manager Commit

Update: As there’s been some interest on reddit and HN, and I failed to mention it originally, it’s worth noting that comparing GCC+PGO vs. clang+LTO or GCC+PGO vs. clang+PGO was a win for clang overall in both cases, although GCC was winning on a few benchmarks. If I remember correctly, clang without PGO/LTO was also winning against GCC without PGO.


  • -flto
  • -fexperimental-new-pass-manager (by default in clang-13)
  • Options up to AVX512
  • Parity performance with GCC

3% win or around 20 Elo points

Issue with all discussion in Stockfish

Yandex Search Engine

  • -msse4.2
  • -flto=thin
  • AVX/FMA dynamic dispatch on hot paths
  • libc++
  • Moved from GCC to LLVM
  • Inline threshold 1000

7% better average query response time

One trading company

  • -flto=thin
  • -march=haswell
  • Inline threshold 1000

4% faster strategy response. Dropped GCC in favor of LLVM

ClickHouse — open source analytics database
  • Transition from GCC to LLVM
  • -O3
  • -msse4.2
  • -flto=thin
  • Transition from libstdc++ to libc++
  • libc++ unstable ABI
  • char8_t
  • Function alignment 32
  • Inline threshold 1000 (dropped in the end)

7-10% better query response

12% binary size decrease

Google's perspective

  • We run all infrastructure built with Clang/LLVM
  • We build and compile LLVM from (almost) head
  • ThinLTO for release builds, for testing no LTO
  • PGO for highly important binaries
  • -msse4.2, -march=haswell
  • Moved from libstdc++ to libc++

3-5% fleetwide savings

2-2.5% binary size win

Thanks to carzil@ for proofreading!